- American Anthropological Association
- American Cultural Resources Association
- California Association of Environmental Professionals
- California Office of Historic Preservation
- California Parks and Recreation
- National Association of Environmental Professionals
- San Diego County Archaeological Society
- San Diego Archaeological Center
- Society For California Archaeology
- The Society for Historical Archaeology
- U.S. Bureau of Land Management

Archaeology News
- Archaeologists Find the Lost Remnants of America’s First Soldiers
- Lasers reveal ancient settlements hidden deep in the Amazon rainforest
- 13,000-year-old bone bead is the oldest of its kind in the Americas
- The 1st Americans were not who we thought they were
- When Did Humans First Occupy the Americas? Ask the Sloth Bones
- North America’s first people may have arrived by sea ice highway 24,000 years ago
- UO archaeologists find oldest human artifacts in North America
- Archaeologists Dug Up a Vanished Texas Town and Found 10,000 Artifacts
- Excavations Continue at the Alamo
- An archeologist shortage could stifle the climate law
- Archaeologists Discover Ancient ‘Cult’ Circular Structure in Jungle
- A city under the sand: The Lost City of Cecil B DeMille
- The US’ 2,000-year-old Mystery Mounds
- Lasers Reveal Massive, 650-Square-Mile Site Hidden beneath Guatemalan Rain Forest
- Archaeologists uncover oldest known projectile points in the Americas
- Archaeologists Dig Up 1,400-Year-Old Native American Canal in Alabama
- Archaeologists digging up artifacts under I-10
- 3,000-year-old dugout canoe found in Wisconsin lake
- Earliest known amputation performed in Borneo 31,000 years ago
- Research Confirms Eastern Wyoming Paleoindian Site as America’s Oldest Mine
- Ghost Tracks of White Sands – Scientists uncovering fossilized footprints in New Mexico desert
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