
Through personalized services and detailed planning, Petra assists our clients in meeting their contractual DBE, WBE, and SBE goals for projects of any size and scope. Comprised of a team of expert cultural resources professionals we focus on the full range of archaeological services including research, field surveys, and mitigation monitoring. These services have been successfully provided across local, state and federal jurisdictions, for clients in all industries and sectors including development, transportation, public works, and energy. Petra’s previous experience includes:

Client: Stantec

PRM provided cultural compliance monitoring for a 90-pole wood-to-steel replacement project on SDGE’s TL 13831 between Camp Pendleton, San Clemente and Rancho Mission Viejo.

Client: Jacobs Engineering

PRM conducted a Class III intensive survey and selected site evaluations along an approximately 15-mi.-long transmission line corridor within BLM lands in Lucerne Valley and the San Bernardino National Forest (SBNF) in San Bernardino County. Seventeen sites were newly recorded and 35 previously documented sites were revisited and updated. At the conclusion of the inventory, 54 sites were evaluated for NRHP eligibility; 10 sites were recommended as individually eligible, and 13 were recommended as potentially eligible as part of the Holcomb Valley Mining District or in relation to the Gold Mountain mining boom period. The technical reports from both the inventory and evaluation efforts were submitted for review to both the BLM and the United States Forest Service. 

Client: Rincon Consultants

PRM conducted a Cultural Resources Study of transmission pole locations slated for structure removal or replacement located on US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) lands in San Bernardino and Los Angeles County. This work included intensive pedestrian surveys of pole locations and access roads, including resurvey of previously recorded resources within APEs, and the preparation of technical reports and DPR 523 site form updates upon completion of field work.

Client: Rincon Consultants

PRM provided archaeological monitoring for transmission pole replacements within Seqouia National Forest, and prepared a technical report upon completion of field work.

Client: Rincon Consultants

PRM conducted intensive pedestrian surveys of transmission pole locations located within Angeles National Forest reporting results to client daily.

Client: SWCA Environmental Consultants

PRM provided archaeological monitoring support for SCE’s TROW CEMA Storm Response Road Repair in Big Creek, Fresno County.

Client: Dudek 

PRM provided archaeological monitors during night-time ground disturbance related to trunk line replacement within Century and Aviation boulevards in the area of the Los Angeles International Airport. Monitors coordinated with the client, project manager, and other subcontractors. 

Client: ASM Affiliates 

PRM provided archaeological monitors during the construction phase for a new 138/230/500kV substation and approximately 14 miles of underground and overhead transmission line. Monitors coordinated with the client, project manager, and other subcontractors as well as Native American monitors. 

Client: Blackhawk Environmental  

PRM provided on-call archaeological monitoring for the Seville Solar Project to comply with CEQA and Section 106 of the NHPA. Prior to construction, PRM completed a records search of the entire project area and ensured that the mitigation measures established for cultural resources were followed. Due to the low potential for artifacts in disturbed areas, an archaeological monitor was not required full-time on-site. However, site visits were made for potential discoveries and PRM was on call to provide cultural monitoring for the duration of the project. 

CLIENT: Brown and Caldwell 

PRM provided cultural resources services for this water main replacement project encompassing an approximately 5,000-ft. water main alignment in San Diego. PRM performed a records search and Sacred Lands File search for the entire project area, and then sent informational query letters to the tribal contacts provided by the NAHC. PRM submitted a Work Plan and coordinated with the Mitigation Monitoring Coordination department of the City of San Diego. Monitoring services included attendance at the project pre-construction meeting, coordination with subcontractors, and providing archaeological monitors.

CLIENT: California American Water 

PRM conducted a Phase I cultural resources study of the entire project area prior to the issuance of California American Water Company’s permit for this project that involved updating features on its Highland Tank for use in distributing potable water. This included conducting a records search, requesting a Sacred Lands File search, outreach to Native American contacts, completing a pedestrian survey, and writing a final report. 

Client: CH2M HILL 

PRM provided archaeological and Native American monitors for trenching to install new gas pipelines within the City of San Diego. Monitors observed daily construction activities and submitted daily field notes and safety forms. PRM’s project manager coordinated with the client and other subcontractors, ensured monitor safety, and prepared final reports summarizing the field effort. 

Client: CH2M HILL 

PRM provided Native American coordination support and cultural resources technical oversight during the planning stages of a high-speed rail line between Los Angeles and San Diego

Client: City of Carlsbad 

PRM provided archaeological monitoring for CEQA compliance for a large-scale grading and excavation to widen the existing road. Water screening was conducted on soils removed from potential culturally sensitive areas. Monitors coordinated with construction contractors and Native American monitors. 

Client: Crawford & Bowen 

PRM performed a Phase I cultural resource inventory for CEQA compliance for the installation of a new basin in Porterville. 

Client: Provost and Pritchard 

PRM performed a cultural resource inventory of three alternative routes for a proposed wastewater treatment facility for the community of Plainview in Tulare County. A Phase I/Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of the selected alternative route was completed, which included a 4.7-mile intensive pedestrian survey, records search, Sacred Lands File search, and a literature review. PRM also completed the final technical report for CEQA/Section 106 compliance. 

Client: Provost and Pritchard 

PRM performed a Class III inventory for the construction of a roughly 2,425-ft.-long by 30-ft.-wide irrigation ditch to serve as an intertie between two existing irrigation channels that draw their water supply from the Fresno Slough. Two separate areas, totaling 11.5 acres, were surveyed in the vicinity of Tranquility, Fresno County, and the technical report was submitted to the Bureau of Reclamation.

Client: San Diego Gas & Electric 

PRM marked out over 80 sites along the Sunrise Powerlink alignment so that SDG&E could spray pesticides to restore temporary impact areas to their previous state. ESAs were staked around archaeological sites to prevent impact to the sites during the pesticide spraying. PRM preprared the final report summarizing the fieldwork for submittal to the BLM and SDG&E. 

Client: San Diego Gas & Electric 

PRM surveyed the project area for cultural resources in locations where barriers and signs will be installed to protect the Peninsular Bighorn Sheep and where invasive tamarisk will be removed. Pedestrian survey within the In-Ko-Pah Gorge took place on private, BLM, and San Diego County-owned land for SDG&E. PRM provided monitoring and site treatment recommendations that complied with Section 106 of the NHPA and CEQA. 

Client: Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) 

PRM provided on-call cultural resource support for SoCalGas throughout their Southern California service area. The on-call contract provided for construction monitoring, pedestrian surveys, data recovery, and GIS services. One project, the Pipeline 8109 Exposure Repair Project, involved replacement of an exposed segment of natural gas pipeline. The Los Padres National Forest performed the records search and provided the results to PRM. An intensive pedestrian survey was performed of the project area and a technical report with recommendations for future work was prepared. All work was conducted in compliance with the requirements of Section 106 of the NHPA.

Client: TRC Solutions 

PRM conducted a cultural resource survey and review of a new 16.7-mile 230kV overhead and underground transmission line between Sycamore and Peñasquitos Substations, with an additional 4.5-mile change-out of the existing 6961 transmission line between the Sycamore and Bernardo Substations on private and Department of Defense properties. The work was carried out in connection with an environmental assessment and evaluation in compliance with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) General Order 131-D, CEQA, and Section 106 of the NHPA. 

Client: Caltrans 

PRM completed a data recovery for a limited portion of prehistoric site CA-LAN-283 that was impacted by Port of Long Beach improvements to the connection ramps between Interstate 110 and State Route 47 in support of Caltrans’ responsibilities under CEQA and Public Resource Code §5024. The improvements included the construction of two sound walls within Caltrans’ existing right-of-way. Previous archaeological testing at CA-LAN-283 determined that the site was eligible for the National Register of Historic Places and the California Register of Historical Resources, based on its potential to contribute information important to prehistory. 


The California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) concurred that the project would have an adverse effect on the site, and PRM prepared a data recovery plan for the mitigation of effects in cooperation with ASM Affiliates. The data recovery plan summarized previous investigations at the site, relevant research issues, and the scope and character of the proposed archaeological fieldwork, laboratory work, and reporting. The field investigation involved additional excavations to those performed in the Extended Phase I (XPI) study, They included 13 1-x-1-meter units, extension of two XPI units to full size, and three column samples. Non-stratified midden soils were excavated to depths ranging from 60-100 cm, with auguring to verify sterile sandstone was reached. Varying degrees of disturbance were carefully documented. Because radiocarbon dating was lacking from previous studies of the site, among the most important contributions was the collection and results from 17 radiocarbon dates of shell, applying current calibration curves and marine reservoir correction values, provided a date range from mean values of 1660-1870 years B.P. and one date at 1370 B.P. Technical studies included flaked stone analysis and microdrill use wear analysis; ground stone analysis including of a drill, pestle, and plumb stone; mollusk sampling and speciation; vertebrate bone speciation; XRF sourcing of obsidian; and non-invasive pathology study of a human deciduous incisor from the XPI collection. Conclusions included discussions of site formation processes, chronology, settlement and site function, subsistence practices, and ecological adaptations. 

Client: South Valley Banking Water Authority (SVBWA) 

PRM conducted an intensive Class III inventory and Phase I cultural resources survey for the SVBWA Pixley Groundwater Banking Project near Tulare. The study was undertaken to provide compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA and CEQA. The project consisted of the construction of approximately 6.5 linear miles of pipelines, a 580-acre recharge basin, turn-out/return structures, regulating basin, lateral pipelines, and five in-lieu wells. Prior to start of fieldwork, a records search of site files and maps was conducted to determine if previous studies had been conducted in the area and whether any resources had been previously recorded. A search of the NAHC Sacred Lands File was also requested. The Class III inventory and Phase I survey fieldwork identified three historical cultural resources including Deer Creek, the Friant-Kern Canal, and the Pixley-1 Bridge. The Friant-Kern Canal was previously recommended as eligible to the NRHP/CRHR by Bureau of Reclamation, yet an analysis of potential project impacts concluded that the project would result in no adverse effects to the qualities and characteristics that contribute to the resource’s eligibility. The final report prepared included preparation of a historic context, findings of the archival search, a summary of the field techniques, and the results of the fieldwork

Client: State of California Department of General Services, Department of Developmental Services (DDS) 

Through PRM’s contract with the State of California Department of General Services, Department of Developmental Services (DDS), staff collaborated with ASM staff to prepare an HRAR for Lanterman Developmental Center (LDC)—a state developmental center. The objective of this study was to fully evaluate all buildings and structures associated with the LDC campus and was prepared to comply with the DDS’s responsibilities under PRC Sections §5024 and §5024.5. Under PRC Section §5024, state agencies are required to determine eligibility for listing in the NRHP and the California Historic Landmarks (CHL) program prior to a proposed action having the potential to affect state-owned historical resources. Boundaries for the district included the four parcels most closely associated with the history of the facility, within which were 93 buildings and structures in addition to the historic landscape elements of the facility. 


Staff conducted on-site intensive pedestrian survey included photographic documentation of more than 100 buildings (exteriors and public interior spaces). The survey was conducted to confirm the information presented in a prior Historical Resource Analysis Report (HRAR), identify boundaries for the historic district, clarify the period of significance, reconsider and identify all contributing and non-contributing resources, codify character-defining features, assess landscape elements that are contributing resources, identify important public interior spaces, and update integrity assessments to the period of significance. Additional research was also conducted to respond to questions posed by the SHPO that clarify historical context and site-specific history. Research included primary and secondary documentation, as well as oral histories. The draft report was submitted within four months, with the final report receiving SHPO concurrence three months later. 

Client: Crawford and Bowen Planning, Inc. 

PRM conducted an intensive Phase I cultural resources study for the Hannah Ranch Flood Control and Habitat Conservation Project for the construction of retention basins with levees on the Friant-Kern Canal and along the Kaweah River aimed at protecting the area from flooding and enhancing groundwater supply. In collaboration with ASM, an archaeological records search was completed that indicated the study area had not been previously surveyed and no sites had been recorded within it. The survey resulted in the identification of over-bank deposits resulting from previous flooding episodes. No new prehistoric or historical archaeological sites were identified or recorded during the survey. Given the results of the survey and the project location, it was determined that buried archaeological deposits were unlikely and the construction of the proposed project will not result in a significant adverse impact; therefore, no new additional cultural resources studies were recommended. 

Client: Caltrans 

PRM was contracted by Caltrans to prepare an Archaeological Survey Report (ASR), Historic Property Survey Report (HPSR), and Historical Resource Analysis Report (HRAR) along Academy Avenue in the City of Sanger, Fresno County, California. The project entailed the road widening and reconstructing of an approximately 1-mile section of Academy Avenue to increase its width to around 40 ft. on both the north and southbound lanes. The area of potential effect (APE) was mostly contained to the existing right of way, but also includes a few parcels where land will be acquired to accommodate the road widening and/or installation of curb ramps. In collaboration with ASM, Petra completed a records search, background research, intensive pedestrian survey, and prepared an ASR for the approximately 9-acre survey area. The study was conducted in compliance with CEQA and the NHPA. The HPSR and HRER documented 13 resources that were evaluated for their eligibility for listing in the NRHP and CRHR. The report was prepared following guidance in Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference (SER), Volume 2 Cultural Resources, Exhibit 6.2: Historical Resources Evaluating Report Format and Content Guide, completed in August 2015. The results of the ASR were negative; no sites were identified. Of the 13 architectural resources, two commercial buildings are recommended eligible for listing in the NRHP and CRHR at the local level of significance under Criteria A/1 and C/3. The first, the Chuck Wagon, is eligible for its association with the theme of Recreation, and has a period of significance of 1955-1965. The second property, Heine’s Garage, is eligible for its association with the themes of Transportation and Commerce and has a period of significance of 1930-1959. 

Client: Dudek 

PRM, in collaboration with ASM, prepared a HRER for the Department of Conservation (DOC) Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources office in Coalinga, Fresno County. Prior to the transfer of ownership from state ownership to a non-government entity, state agencies are required to determine the eligibility of their resources for listing in NRHP and the CHL program. In a collaboration between PRM and ASM, staff considered the building’s potential for historical significance in compliance with CEQA and in conformance with NRHP Bulletin How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, the California Office of Historic Preservation’s Instructions for Recording Historical Resources, and Technical Assistance Series #7, How to Nominate a Resource to the California Register of Historical Resources. Following the survey, PRM determined that the DOC Coalinga office building was not eligible for the NRHP, CRHR, nor as a CHL; thus, the building was not considered a historical resource and the project would not results in adverse impacts to a historical resource under CEQA. 

Client: San Diego Gas & Electric 

SDG&E and TRC Solutions, Inc. contracted PRM to conduct a review of previously unsurveyed areas along the proposed Sycamore to Peñasquitos 230kV transmission line, staging yards, and access routes located in San Diego County. The proposed project includes approximately 16.7 miles of new 230kV transmission line and associated staging yards and access roads between the existing Sycamore Canyon and Peñasquitos Substations. The proposed APE and preliminary pole and underground conduit locations were provided and used as reference during the current study. A cultural resources records and literature search of documents and maps on file at the South Coastal Information Center (SCIC) identified 29 previously recorded cultural resources within the proposed project APE. An intensive pedestrian survey was conducted of approximately 390 acres of intensive pedestrian survey and 464 acres of sampling survey; evidence for buried cultural deposits was opportunistically sought through the inspection of natural or artificial erosional exposures and the spoils from rodent burrows. The surveys resulted in the identification of 13 of the 29 previously recorded resources, as well as two new sites and six new isolates.   

Client: San Diego Gas & Electric  

Petra provided on-call cultural resource services to SDG&E in San Diego, Imperial, Orange, and Riverside counties. Work conducted under this multi-year contract included medium- to small-scale archaeological surveys for replacement of SDG&E wood with steel utility poles, as well as small-scale surveys and the monitoring of pole or facility replacements related to regular maintenance. This work was performed to assist SDG&E in their compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA and CEQA. PRM personnel conducted records searches, Class III intensive field surveys, construction monitoring, and completed reports on the results, as well as prepared or approved recommendations for avoiding impacts to cultural resources within the SDG&E easement and access roads. Staff worked directly with SDG&E staff to ensure the avoidance of impacts to archaeological sites located near poles or associated facilities.   

Client: Southern California Edison  

PRM provided cultural resource technical services to SCE in support of development of a proposed high-voltage transmission line. The project was being constructed as a 500kV circuit from the Colorado River Switchyard in Blythe, through the Devers Substation in Desert Hot Springs, to the Valley Substation in Romoland, an approximate distance of 150 miles of predominately BLM land. Services included refining existing cultural resource technical information and GIS documentation, and the continuing identification and execution of remaining Section 106 compliance activities (identification, survey) and NHPA and NEPA assessments (evaluation, impact analysis). Tasks successfully performed leading toward DPV2 development include resource monitoring and documentation for geotechnical boring studies along the complete DPV2 alignment, including a 7.5-mile segment crossing through the Alligator Rock Area of Critical Environmental Concern and two historic properties listed as districts on the NRHP. The technical report was submitted to the BLM for confirmation by SHPO. 

Petra Resource Management is a fast-growing company in the field of Cultural Resources Management and is leading the way for quality compliance-oriented research and innovative management-driven solutions to complex environmental resource Issues.

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